The Aware Baby

by Aletha Solter, Ph.D.

Publication date: 2001

The Aware Baby marks a major breakthrough in our understanding of babies' needs from conception to two-and-a-half years of age. Based on attachment theory and numerous research studies, it has contributed to a revolution in parenting around the world. Parents who follow this approach lay the foundation for an emotionally healthy child who grows up to be cooperative, compassionate, competent, and drug free. This book will teach you how to:

The Aware Baby
  • Bond with your infant
  • Respond to your baby's crying
  • Enhance your baby's intelligence
  • Help your baby sleep better
  • Find alternatives to punishment
  • Raise your child to be kind

Developmental psychologist and parent educator Aletha Solter is the founder of the Aware Parenting Institute. She is recognized internationally as an expert on attachment, trauma, and non-punitive discipline. Her five parenting books have been translated into many languages.


Please click on the following links for more information:

Full news release and author bio
Introduction to The Aware Baby


Reviews and endorsements:

"The Aware Baby is chock full of reliable information and practical advice on a wide range of childrearing issues from how to deal with infant crying to discipline and toilet training. The style is clear, concise and vivid. It is a pleasure to read, and I recommend it most highly."
—Thomas R. Verny, M.D., D. Psych. (Psychiatrist and author of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child)

"The exquisite awareness of babies celebrated in this book is revolutionary and refreshing. Soundly based on empirical research and great good sense, this book will doubly bless both the parents and their very fortunate infants."
—David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D. (Psychologist and author of The Mind of Your Newborn Baby)

"Solter's gentle approach to parenting, by promoting acceptance of crying and attentiveness to a child's strong emotions and needs, contains a very important step in raising happy, connected adults."
—Martha G. Welch, M.D. (Psychiatrist and author of Holding Time)

"The Aware Baby is an extremely useful (perhaps essential) guidebook for parents and professionals who deal with babies. The book is full of information on solving common problems in raising babies, and most of the material is appropriate for older children as well. I particularly appreciate the depth at which Dr. Solter deals with sleep, feeding, and behavioral difficulties, and the methods that she advocates for dealing with crying (probably the most misunderstood aspect of parenting.) Her chapters on playing with babies and on approaches to bring about secure attachment and bonding are exceptional. This book should be mandatory reading for all parents and for professionals who deal with babies and children."
—William R. Emerson, Ph.D. (Pioneer of infant therapy and co-author of Remembering Our Home)

"Only a handful of times in any given century does a book come along which has the knowledge and the power to shift the human race towards a measurably higher state of mental and physical health. Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, at the beginning of the last century, introduced us to the unconscious. Dr. Arthur Janov, in the middle of that century, introduced us to the importance of feelings as a guide to the deepest self. Now Dr. Aletha Solter, in a simple and readable way, by allowing babies to feel their feelings, gives us the key to infant, and later adult, mental health. It is my belief that every prospective parent on earth should read her book, The Aware Baby."
—Paul Vereshack, M.D., D. Psych. (Author of The Psychotherapy of The Deepest Self)


This web page was last updated on March 2, 202a. Copyright © 202a by the Aware Parenting Institute. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including copying to other web sites, and including translations and photos), without written permission from Aletha Solter.